Category: Science & Geeks

  • Mafia Wars: How many points?

    When you progress in Mafia Wars on Facebook, you collect points that you should choose how to assign between: Attack Defense Health Energy Stamina Here are my recommendations about the optimum number of points in each. Attack: You should stay with around 1/2 of your level, with a minimum around 50-55. If you are a…

  • Mafia Wars: Maximum loot

    Mafia Wars: Maximum loot

    If you play at Mafia Wars on Facebook, you certainly noticed that some objects are very difficult to get and are absolutely necessary to finish a full campaign. For example, I would list: Concealable camera Computer setup Untraceable Cell Phone Blackmail photos Illegal Transaction Records Politico Corrupto Dossier on Dmitri You will need several hundreds…

  • Mafia Wars: Get a large mafia in no time

    Mafia Wars: Get a large mafia in no time

    If you are on Facebook, you certainly know Mafia Wars, this online game, slightly addictive, grouping several million FB users, where you try to progress in a mafia world while doing lowly jobs in New York, Cuba, Moscow (and soon Bangkok or the American West). One of the difficult aspects is to build yourself a…

  • Your printer in a video clip

    See what can be done with a few HP printers, a lot of free time and quite a load of imagination. HP – invent from Tom and Matt on Vimeo. Vimeo link

  • An SLR camera + some software = three videos

    Fabian Tischer is obviously gifted to create small videos from visual effects supposed to be simple (but actually quite tough to master) in order to offer us some cool movies: Berlin TV tower – lift off from Fabian Tischer on Vimeo. Insider footage showing NASA’s strange theft of famous Berlin landmark. little airport from Fabian…

  • Opera and IPv6

    Opera and IPv6

    It’s worth noticing it if you are using Opera. I had a difficult-to-solve issue recently. While playing with the idea of starting to use IPv6 on my main PC, I tested the waters by validating this option in the network configuration of my Windows XP. Unfortunately, Opera is already fully ready for IPv6 but my…

  • The evolution of technology

    Darwin did not see this. Darwin was too shy when he published his major work “the origin of species” on November 24, 1859. The evolution is also for machines and technology and the struggle for life has a meaning. YouTube link The evolution of technology, beginning in the early stone age and evolving to the…

  • Doom is back in 2009 – A leak from Nepal

    Doom is back in 2009 – A leak from Nepal

    So, the great FPS game will be back before the end of the year 2009. Either the launch campaign started early in Nepal or the bus drivers are using their vehicles as video game weapons (the latter would explain the extraordinarily high frequency of dramatic road accidents there).

  • GANTT projects for free

    GANTT projects for free

    Microsoft Project is expensive, very expensive. But once you started using it, you can’t stand not having a nice clean GANTT project chart. Why not get a free Microsoft Project? Even better than downloading MS-Project for free, I am proposing you to use an on-line GANTT chart/project builder that is completely free and works on-line:…