Category: Science & Geeks
Happy PI day
Today is March 14 or 3-14. It’s time to spend time checking my special page with one million digits for PI.
Search terms
Looking into the search terms used by people on the, I had some fun recently. Let’s quickly browse some of the most representative surprising ones: chasseur francais poussiere reflex (in English: French hunter SLR dust): I did not have in mind that we had so many readers interested in photo hunting in the most…
Live dinosaurs? You’re kidding me?
If you want to meet dinosaurs, not only paintings or sculptures, go to the USA, fly to Los Angeles, California. There, in the Los Angeles Natural History Museum, there are free-roaming dinosaurs in the corridors. Not only are these automatons sized impressively, but they intereact with people and kids around them. Woah! Stunning! YouTube link
Elephant poaching in Kenya
Everything points at a stark increase of elephant poaching in Kenya after years of relative calm. More precisely, in the Tsavo National Park, in the 6 most recent weeks, rangers of the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) found 5 dead elephants whose tusks have been sawed. This is a reminder that some habits which we thought…
News reaches a British sub and a French sub regardnig the satellite collision last week. *Snort* American and Russian dorks. I nearly rolled on the floor laughing with this one. But, generally speaking, is one hell of a good comics web site.
One charger for all phones
Thanks to European Community! It just proposed, no! Announced that they would force the mobile phone manufacturers to all use a single type of battery charger. It’s been years that we all accumulated chargers ready to be abandonned because none is compatible with more than one phone. The EC decided to reduce pollution linked this…
How to cut a forest down
We don’t use this in France (storms are enough to bring a forest to the ground) but here is the real hardware you need to cut down a forest in a few days only: Link to YouTube
Beautiful parrots
Thanks to BibliOdyssey again, we can see magnificent reproductions of XIXth Century engravings of parrots, maccaws and other Psittacidae birds. But there are also interesting modern parrots. Go and watch the videos and photos from the Perroquet project from fashion photographer Sølve Sundsbø. Did I say impressive?
Underwater movies
I recently met a couple of fine underwater movies. One shows a dive to find a nautilus at great depths; The second shows a phosphorescent amalgam of abyss animals. Always a source of great surprises. YouTube link YouTube link