Category: Science & Geeks

  • News from the Radeon HD 4800

    News from the Radeon HD 4800

    So, the newest graphics line from AMD ATI will be known collectively as Radeon HD 4800 and will contain more precisely two major cards: Radeon HD 4850 and Radeon HD 4870. It is even clear that the first one will be sold around 200$ (so notably under 200€) and the second around 300$. AMD announced,…

  • Browse anonymously

    …with this long list of proxies (unfortunately, some or many of them may not work for all people).

  • Wine is coming to Linux

    Usually, I would not comment about upcoming software applications and tools, but today there is an rumour that may be very important. We all know that switching from Windows to Linux is a difficult move because we have been used to so many applications available on one Operating System but not on the other (in…

  • Imagining the 10th dimension

    Video link

  • Nice defrag accelerates app loading

    Nice defrag accelerates app loading

    There a re zillions of disk defragmenters for Windows. Most are free and nearly all of them do unknown actions with no perceptible effect. UltimateDefrag is not the ordinary defragmenter for (at least) two reasons: It is beatifully presented as you can see below. It groups the most used files in the fastest access location…

  • News of Project Origin

    The video game saga collectively known as F.E.A.R. (FPS games with an horror/terror ambiance) keeps pushing news opus. Before the end of 2008, we should see F.E.A.R. Project Origin on PC, PS3, XBox 360. It will be hard judging from the pre-beta demo here. Beware: This is violent and bloody. Really not for sensitive minds.…

  • Two scary airports

    Two scary airports

    Seriously, do you want to land in one of these airports? Source:

  • Memory is cheap

    If you are visiting Paris, you must know about rue Montgallet. This is the nice little geek secret here. A street (and a couple of neighbouring ones) where you will find literally one computer shop every other door step. Prices are as low as they can get in France. I usually start from the top…

  • Nice handling of plane bags

    Here is a startling idea to ensure that your luggage will not be lost at the airport and will receive real good treatment from the airline personnel (that is a rare condition). Matt Brandon proposes to declare the presence of a starter pistol. Right! you don’t need a permit or a license of any case,…