Category: Science & Geeks

  • Disable hotlinking

    When you have a web site, it becomes quite common that some people feel so easy to just borrow your images that they do not even take the time to make a copy on their own web site. Not only do they use your artwork, but they also use the bandwidth you paid for. Normally,…

  • News from S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky

    It’s coming! The new FPS video game for PC is arriving. We had seen the first opus of the saga hitting our minds and PCs in 2007: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl. A game definitely attractive, where the player can really go anywhere in several square kilometers, where there is always something happening (you’d better be…

  • Software galore

    We never can get enough of them, but our computers are sometimes overflowing. Software applications are everywhere, but how to choose the right one for the task at hand? I built a real collection of pages where you will be able to find nearly all you can dream for nearly all computers: Five important security…

  • Get pixellated DOS games on your new PC

    Get pixellated DOS games on your new PC

    If you have an old collection of PC MS-DOS games that has been sleeping at the bottom of a drawer, you may have two approaches: A/ you prefer to forget the old pixels and buy new games, B/ you were so found of those that you want to play even on your newest PC. However,…

  • Photoshop: 101 tips and tricks (ebook for free)

    SitePoint is giving away (for a limited time only) an excellent e-book about PhotoShop. It’s well worth the effort to donwload the PDF file. SitePoint sensational Photoshop book is now FREE to Download!

  • Project Offset bought by Intel, so what?

    Project Offset, the running name of a company who promises to build one of the most expected action epic video games, has announced in February that they were bought by Intel. However, I have to admit that nothing has been shown since. Not even the slightest hint at what Intel intends to do with it.…

  • Folded paper font

    Folded paper font

    I do not often present character fonts, but this one is definitely nicer than usual with its elegant 3D effect of folded white paper. Source:

  • Backup while you save

    Backup while you save

    It is always a bit difficult to actually think about doing backups. Either you spend too much time thinking about it or you forget about it. For Windows, I found a nice free utility program: FileHamster from MOGware. This small utility will allow you to automatically backup every single file you save or modify. FileHamster…

  • Sequel to F.E.A.R. – Project Origin trailers

    Assassin trailer HD trailerSD trailer