Category: Science & Geeks
Once more! Ice-Altitude
Yes! I did it again! Here is a new web site I launched recently. this time, the intent is to share Marion Jonchères’ passion for cold, ice, snow and altitude. Here, you will only find extreme sports, high altitude mountaineering, North Pole or South Pole. But this is based on detailed commentaries and spectacular pictures.…
CrashPlan: Solution to backup crashes
Finally, it did not take me very long to find a solution to the crashes of my CrashPlan backup solution. And, it was right on the web site of the software editor, where I could find all the directions to follow if CrashPlan crashes unexpectedly. I just doubled the memory size made available to the…
CrashPlan: A few questions
For some time already (a few years, actually), I use and I recommend CrashPlan as an online backup solution. My photos are sent to a US backup server to protect them against some seriously bad event in my home (a fire? the theft of my computer hardware?) which would leave me without any backup locally…
Happy Birthday HAL-9000!
It’s on January 12th, 1992 that, according to Arthur C. Clarke, was born HAL-9000, the computer from “2001, A space Odyssey” (the book from Arthur C. Clarke and the movie from Stanley Kubrick). Actually, the first time it was powered on. So, it is exactly 23-year old today. Happy birthday HAL-9000! HAL-9000 is an Artificial…
Synology on a sub-domain (with a dynamic IP address)
My problem: I’ve got a Fiber connexion to the Internet (at Numéricable, one of the main ISP in France) which is forcing a dynamic IP address on me (no fixed IP address, even with a premium; They’ve settled in the XXth century). This would not be very serious except that I host a RAID server…
Steam locomotive
These old steam locomotives look great on their ancient engravings. Source: Bibliodyssey
It’s broken… Try again now!
Maintenance Percussive from Duncan Robson on Vimeo. No need for an engineer’s degree!
2048 – Addictive!
This is a game for non-gamers. The aim is to reach a total of 2048 on a 4×4 grid. The mean is to align two identical figures to add them: 2 + 2 = 4. You can play 2048 on iOS (iPhone, iPod, iPad, etc.) or on the web. Please, before you start, make sure…
Stacked ships
Did you ever see a ship on a ship? And a ship on a ship on a ship?