Category: Security
Arrival at Giant’s Castle
When arriving near Giant’s Castle, we could observe that wild fires are a significant issue handled by the local Fire Department in order to limit oerall risks. But, our drive was crossing the burning area.
CrashPlan: Solution to backup crashes
Finally, it did not take me very long to find a solution to the crashes of my CrashPlan backup solution. And, it was right on the web site of the software editor, where I could find all the directions to follow if CrashPlan crashes unexpectedly. I just doubled the memory size made available to the…
CrashPlan: A few questions
For some time already (a few years, actually), I use and I recommend CrashPlan as an online backup solution. My photos are sent to a US backup server to protect them against some seriously bad event in my home (a fire? the theft of my computer hardware?) which would leave me without any backup locally…
Edward Snowden: Media black out
It is quite interesting (or revealing) that a recent interview of Edward Snowden, the guy who blew the whistle on NSA practices of spying on everybody’s email and phones, has received essentially no media coverage in the US and the UK. It appears that large media outlets are actively participating in a campaign to smear…
Synology DS413j is easy and safe RAID & NAS
For some time now, I have been worried about the frequent failures of my hard disk drives. It seems unusual, but I have been hoarding a lot of data storage space (but I don’t believe in the optical disks of , purchasing disk drives over the years whenever I needed some more storage on one…
Nurburgring: Holiday on ice
You never saw the magnificent race track of Nurburgring under this appearance: covered with snow. Better! The snow has frozen. Worse: A pilot takes a formula car on a trip around the track and we can have a peek. No speed record for sure but a very unusual show. YouTube link
Hand-nourished great white sharks
They don’t seem so ferocious or so voracious those big sharks. I wouldn’t do it, anyway. YouTube link