Category: HTML and CSS

  • Acid3 test – 100% score for Safari and Opera

    Acid3 test – 100% score for Safari and Opera

    The age-old Acid3 test is a small (but challenging) test of the compatibility of web browsers. Very few of them are able to even display something remotely similar to the expected result. But things changed a lot recently with a few important news: On March 26, Opera was announced to be the very first browser…

  • Opera 9: voice commands

    I just discovered (I have to admit that I had not to look very far) a small feature of the Opera browser (from version 9): the voice interface. This is fascinating, Opera accepts voice commands and can read the contents of a web page. You have to first install a small add-in module (that is…

  • Rich fonts for your web site

    The design of a web site is notoriously opposed to the use of rich and varied fonts: You are strongly invited to stick to the small list of common fonts. Unfortunately, this is not always enough. If you already started exploring alternatives like text-in-GIF-images, have a look at this hackzine article: HOWTO – Use rich…

  • Fifty ways to track website traffic

    You have a web site, you want to see its traffic growth (it appears that this is the number one way web site creators spend their time: They track each and every little traffic change with stat tools). I offer you here a frighteningly long list of ways to satisfy your worst statistical perversions. Fifty…

  • Micro-change in

    As the most attentive of the readers will have noticed, there was a minor change to the layout of the web site. It should improve slightly the overal performance and it will allow further evolutions that may be appreciated later. If you find some technical difficulties with your browser (it shouldn’t be the case, of…

  • in your email

    To all the readers that are interested in keeping in touch with us without even the effort to visit us every day, there are two options that you should keep in mind: Using the RSS feed for the web site. You need to have an RSS reader (one is included in recent versions of Safari,…

  • Fight SPAM and scan books

    Fight SPAM and scan books

    It is well known that the human brain has pattern matching capabilities much further advanced than those of the best equivalent software programs. This explains that failure rates of OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program may be as high as 1% (or even 2%) of errors, which is requiring later human proof-reading to ensure a reasonable…

  • Undo all HTML in CSS

    This is a delicatessen reserved for HTML- and CSS-loving palates. It could be helpful to some CSS developers : in an article titled “Really undoing HTML and CSS“, Eric Meyer offers a CSS file that undo all default values preset by the default interpretation of HTML by some browsers. As a matter of fact, some…

  • Display code in WordPress

    When, as I do, you want to include some bits and pieces of software code in a WordPress post, it starts to become a serious headache. As a matter of fact, WP has not really been prepared for this and it creates a number of issues. Those I already encountered here: The <?php tend to…