Category: Linux
WAMP, the server solution for Windows
Needing to quickly install a web server on a Windows PC, I was drawn into looking for a free software suite providing such sevrices in a simple and nice package. I already knew EasyPHP from Emmanuel Faivre, Laurent Abbal and Thierry Murail, three Frenchmen who put in a single tool box all the free open-source…
Exclusively for Linux lovers
Sorry for those of you who are not in love with GNU/Linux and Unix (exclusively in their command line version), but I could not resist to this: From
The Linux Equivalent project
If you jumped from Windows to GNU/linux you are certainly looking for the equivalent Linux programs for your previous Windows applications. This is exactly what the Linux Equivalent project provides: A list of Windows programs with their “equivalents” on GNU/Linux. But you have to understand that some “equivalences” are not exactly on par with Windows…
Vista: Time for 64 bits
While Vista will soon be available in a 64-bit version (and that GNU/Linux went down this path several months ago), it is time to ponder the following question: “Do we need to go 64 bits?” And the answer is surprisingly simple if you look at it. Currently, PC are more and more often equiped with…
How do your web site look?
This is the tough question that web site anwsers for you. They provide a simple way to test your web site in a large variety of configurations and browsers. This is a very nice idea founded on the voluntary help of computers installed all over the world (widely distributed architecture). This way, you will…
OpenSUSE 10
OpenSUSE is one of the most famous GNU/Linux distributions. It got a recent additional attention when Microsoft announced that they would support specifically the execution of SUSE in the virtual environment that will come in the future Microsoft Windows Vista. Knowing my previous failed attempt with SlackWare Linux, I decided to try again with another…
KNOPPIX: Linux to save a Windows install
I had recently a significant problem while trying to upgrade a Windows 98 installation to Windows 2000 pro. Everything turn ugly (I clicked to fast on a button and could not provide drivers for my motherboard, the installation went bad in the middle of the update of system parameters), leaving the system in a very…
Slackware 11.0
Slackware is a GNU/Linux distribution known for its simplicity, stability, and security. They announced the release of their latest production in terms of Linux installation CDs, so I decided to test-run it on one of my machines. Here is my experience with it. I hope it can help some people.
DNS service: Pingability
A web service for those of you willing to check their DNS declaration: Pingability quick DNS check.