Category: Tech
Miracle cure to clean up your photos
It’s a bane for photographers: There is always a little detail in the picture that we would like to remove. If it is an ugly little spot your best graphics suite will do. If it is something much more annoying (a fence, people, etc.), it may be a near to impossible task. Now, if you…
Olympus, the tests
Olympus has now two excellent products in its 4/3 family of digital single lens reflex (D-SLR) cameras: Evolt E-410 and Evolt E-510. Let’s list some of the most prominent tests/reviews published recently on the web. E-410: The Imaging Resource Photography blog Think Camera DPReview E-510: The Imaging Resource Photography blog
Best utility for your graphics card
Anandtech has a nice post about the best utility software programs for the owner of a recent graphics card (be it an nVidia or and AMD-ATI). They compare: ATI Catalyst Control Center ATI Tray Tools ATITool nVIDIA Control Panel & nTune RivaTuner nHancer BIOS Flashing options and programs
- first on Technorati!
This is what was signaled recently on Technorati, as I have been informed. Unfortunately, I was unable to find the original page…
Canon EOS 40D: First real images?
This time, it seems that Canon let go a few images to start just-not-officially teasing the public. The first shots are not giving too much information, but it’s a good confirmation that it’s probably arriving very very soon. No violent changes visible when we compare with the old Canon EOS 20D or 30D. I think…
Color laser printers: 12 to compare
It is already an old tradition of this site that we keep repeating that color laser printers, without being able to do full photo-quality printing, progressed to the point where they are priced reasonably (often less than $300 and with a price-per-page that is strictly out of range for inkjet printers). Beyond the comparisons already…
Photo: Compact or D-SLR?
CameraLabs does a good comparison between the different possibilities for a photographer: A small, light compact camera or a powerful, flexible, extensible Single Lens Reflex? Source: Should you buy a DSLR or a Compact?
Hitchcock film techniques
All about the movie techniques of the giant of suspense film: Hitchcock. How to turn your boring movie into a Hitchcock thriller…