Category: Tech
Models at 1/6th scale
For the amateurs of models, trains and military dioramas, here is a site where you’ll find photos of a surprisingly good work at 1/6th scale.
Mac day, today
While browsing through LifeHacker, I found this week a series of apparently interesting posts for Mac buffs. Let’s share: Top 10 Mac OS X tweaks Speed up your Mac Take screen shots on your Mac
Slow Sync Flash
The technique of Slow synch flash is somewhat difficult to master and this is why I invite you to check the Digital Photography School and its article about it: Slow Sync Flash.
New LCD screen: Dell 2407WFP
Other notable characteristics: Integrated flash memory card reader. Multiple video inputs (DVI-D/HDCP, S-Vidéo, Composite, Component). Integrated USB concentrator. I finally cracked and bought a new screen to replace my main working display. I chose a Dell 2407WFP to have a large work surface (1920 x 1200 in 24″), a wide form factor (useful to push…
Octopart, a search engine for electronic parts
For both pro electronic engineers and amateur tweakers/hackers. Octopart
Is Windows Vista crippled?
This is the right question to ask. I waited quite some time before writing about a bizarre issue with Windows Vista. Initially I thought that it was a small bug to be quickly corrected by Microsoft: file copying, file deleting and file moving is apparently very slow in Vista. When we say slow, understand “10-50…
LCD TV prices won’t go lower than that
In our series of market predictions, here is an article at The Guru of 3D (titled “LCD TV prices hit bottom“) that explains why, according to iSupply industry analyst, the LCD TV sets won’t go much lower in the near future. This rebound of LCD bare screens prices will probably have an impact on wide-screen…
Music without limits
The recent news lead me to talk again about digital music and its cohabitation (or lack of) with network technology. As a matter of fact, we learn this week that our new French President is in favor of a strong action against pirated music and downloads. This is not very new, indeed, but the confirmation…
Crop circles and more
You already knew about the unreadable writings done (by and for extra-terrestrial beings) under the form of ground engravings in South America or crop circles in Europe and North America, but human marketing people will not let themselves outdone by little grey (or green) men for large scale communication: