Category: Tech

  • Free online Photoshop

    Adobe has been observing the desktop application market and specifically seen Google challenging Microsoft with its online Google desktop suite (spreadsheet, text processor, agenda, etc.). They determined that they want to go the same way in order to ensure a bright future for the Photoshop line. Currently, Adobe has already split its market niche between…

  • Ban the bulb down under!

    Ban the bulb down under!

    Australia environment minister Malcolm Turnbull is seriously considering banning the common traditionnal incandescent bulb in order to significantly reduces energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Even without a ban, you could also think about reducing your own personnal electricity bill by switching to low energy compact fluorescent lamps. Source: BBC news.

  • 100 fonts with top character

    Again, I come back to the issue of free fonts of great quality. DaFont holds links to hundreds of character fonts readily downlodable for both Mac and PC. Usually, this leads to a bunch of crap fonts. Here, the top 100 list is really of impressive quality. Waltograph is copying Walt Disney’s signature, Evanescence is…

  • Sony new Cybershot cameras

    Apparently, Sony is preparing to roll out a number of new digital cameras on the 27th of February. But Engadget already got the scoop.

  • Vista does not sell because of piracy

    Believe it or not, this is what Steve Ballmer, Microsoft CEO, just told to financial analysts. He was trying to explain why the actual sales are already considered as much lower than the initial MS estimation. Apaprently, the most exotic countries (China, Russia, South East Asia) are on the list of the accused. But wouldn’t…

  • 1.5 giga-pixel for the Machu Pichu

    A nice image of an marvellous archeological site (the Machu Pichu in Peru) still full of the echoes of a glorious past, Inca history. Thanks to Scott Howard, you can visit this billion and a half pixels assembled from 400 individual images.

  • Visit a virtual lens plant

    Thanks to Canon, it is possible and easy to discover how a photo optical lens is created. And it is a much more convoluted process than you may think. If you ever wondered why a lens cost so much money to make (and some of the nicest lenses are digging holes in our wallets), take…

  • A great box for an external USB hard drive

    We, geeks, are always on the look for a designer box for our PC in the obvious objective to seaprate ourselves from the ugly standard grey box. Our desire has now also extended to the boxes protecting our external hard drives. After a generation of grey, metal or black boxes, we start seeing nice packages.…

  • Robert Adler, dies at 93

    This man should be better known. He died at 93 after receiving a Grammy Award in 1997. He created a world of couch potatoes. He favored petty fights in front of the TV set. He fathered the TV remote. Source: BBC.