Category: Tech
Sony Alpha A100, first pictures
Polish magazine Fotopolis ( just published some images taken with the new Sony Alpha DSLR A100. They give a very first impression of the image quality of the camera. Essentially, it is impossible to know the exact state of the camera and its embedded software may not be the final version. But the limited quality…
Sony Alpha A100; The show must go on
After the first leaked informations, most of the serious web sites around are presenting today the news of the day: Sony Alpha A100 becomes the first photo camera to enter the field of digital single lens reflex (D-SLR or DLSR) for Sony after the demise of Konica-Minolta a few months ago. To know it all…
Firefox is growing up
At least, that is what I see from my web site statistics. Today, I checked and I can see that Internet Explorer is only 65% of last month’s visits. 23% of the visits come from one or another version of FireFox. By the way, Safari from Apple is still around 2%, while Opera does 3%.
AOL chokes on millions of email messages
Yesterday, AOL fell because of a “software bug” that prohibited any email to be sent or received by the millions of subscribers to the giant ISP. After an unspecified time (visibly less than 24 hours), the operation could be restored. It seems that there was no email lost. The very old but robust email protocols…
Is Canon leaving film cameras?
That is what can be infered from a Reuters UK news article. After other firms (like Nikon, most prominently) who have already left this dwindling market, Canon would be considering it. At least, there is some lack of precision since the news bit has been modified by the authors after first publication. What was very…
You’ve got free reading
This is not because we are on the web that we are not interested in reading newspapers. On the contrary, reading a web site like proves that you may be quite interested, first, in reading. I collected a few web sites where you can get some professional publications that invite you to join their…
June, month of HDMI graphic cards
All information points to June 2006 being the month when we will see the first graphics cards compatible with the HDMI standard for HD television and screens. Up to now, none was available. But ATI and others are preparing their first HDMI-compatible cards and it seems that the price difference between HDMI-compatible and plain cards…
20 new lenses at Sony
This is the announcement of Toru Katsumoto, Senior General Manager at Sony, in charge of the Digital Imaging Business Group. In a publi-interview, he tells us that Sony does not intend to wait with the current large offer of existing lenses compatible with the Minolta lens-mount. They will launch 20 new lenses in year starting…