Category: Tech
Minolta prices going down – Time to buy?
After the announcement of the demise of Konica-Minolta, and its replacement with Sony (actually in place now that April came), I asked myself what is now the consequence of this on camera prices.
Nikon better operating profits
This is what the firm with the yellow logo announced. And this is all coming from the digital camera business that is being even better than expected. This would be the first confirmation that moving out of the analog camera business was the thing to do (from the point of view of the company –…
The 1.09 giga-pixel image of Bryce Canyon
People are always aiming for records. While the digital photo industry is all about bigger sensors (despite the fact that it would be better for the actual user to have more sensitivity now that we reached about 5 mega-pixel level), some think ahead and want to create really big images. In 2003, Max Lyons has…