Category: Legal downloads

  • How to copy a CD-A in FLAC with Exact Audio Copy?

    How to copy a CD-A in FLAC with Exact Audio Copy?

    Exact Audio Copy (aka EAC) is the perfect tool to extract music data out of an audio CD or CD-A (to rip a CD) and convert it to a flexible audio file format like MP3, or even better into FLAC. Not only is it able to read the data and transfer it, but it is…

  • CD-rip: MP3 or FLAC?

    CD-rip: MP3 or FLAC?

    As a matter of fact, when you wanted to copy (or rip) a CD-A disc, you reflexively went for recording in MP3 format. Everybody (or, more precisely, all the programs, all the audio players — pocket-sized or home-cinema-based — can read it. It’s compact an duniversal. But when I wanted to transfer ma CD library…

  • My own participation to Emacs history

    My own participation to Emacs history

    A few versions of this text editor (sometimes) loved by many software programmers / Archive of old Emacs versions.

  • Free fonts by the thousands

    Free fonts by the thousands

    You can’t have too many fonts for your computer. Or can you? Actually, I am trying to make sure that you will get much more than you can swallow here: tens of thousands of character fonts. Not only a bunch of them, but two sources of the nicest kind. FontPark is nothing less than a…

  • Best locations for wallpapers

    Best locations for wallpapers

    You find them anywhere and everywhere, but it’s not always worth the visit. To find a beautiful wallpaper for your computer (even more if it has seevral screens), you need to find reliable sources of nice wallpapers. I wrote down a few of the best ones here: The wallpaper section of National Geographic Digital Blasphemy…

  • Let the US government teach you a language

    These are language courses which have been developed by the US government and are set in the public domain. So, you can use them as much as you want. A long list of languages: Amharic Arabic Bulgarian Cambodian Cantonese Chinese Chinyanja Czech Finnish French Fula German Greek Hausa Hebrew Hindi Hungarian Igbo Italian Japanese Kituba…

  • The list of all security-related computer tools

    It is impossible to list all these tools, but didn’t you want to have a list of all the best software security applications (and most of them are free) to handle the security of your servers and your personal computers? Probably the Best Free Security List in the World

  • 100 million Opera’s and one iPhone

    100 million Opera’s and one iPhone

    Opera just announced that, while they are not the larger player in the browser field, they cornered a nice piece of turf: 100 million users of Opera (about 50 millions on the Desktop, and a 50 million chunk on the mobile phone). This impressive position in the mobile phone market is probably going to get…

  • MS Office or OpenOffice? The comparison

    MS Office or OpenOffice? The comparison

    Thanks to Bruce Byfield of Linux Journal, it is now possible to have a relatively fair comparison of the heavy-weight champion of office suites (Microsoft Office or MS-Office) and the young hyper-active challenger (OpenOffice). Obviously, OpenOffice advantage is that it is cheaper than Microsoft Office: It’s free. But what are the other ways to compare…