Category: Uncategorized
Bush wants to be space boss
I am not sure if this is linked to the recent attack of US satellites by Chinese blinding laser beams, but GW.Bush signed recently a policy that states that “freedom of action in space is as important to the United States as air power and sea power” and that “the United States will preserve its…
Hunter William Associates – Another scam?
After my previous posts about another supposedly Zurich-based financial company, I received another call from a company claiming to be Zurich-based and ready to offer financial services on the New York Stock Exchange: Hunter William Associates. They want me to consider investing in some companies. The first tip they provided is relating to a respected…
Internationale Zurich Gruppe – it is illegal in Sweeden
IMPORTANT: After my precedent post about the Internationale Zurich Gruppe, it appears that a very important development happened a few days ago with a Warning (“mise en garde”) produced by the very official Finansinspektionen, from Sweeden. If you look at the comments back into my original post, you’ll see that people are having a very…
Local news: The lifts broke down
I live in a 30-level building with fourn (4) independent lifts to reach the 200+ flats. Unfortunately, today (after several days of incidents), the last of the lifts broke down. No way to get in or out (apart from climbing by foot 28-level stairs)… Grrrrr! I hate Otis for not being bright at repairing those.
Counter the telemarketer attacks!
My method is quite simple. So simple that, when my phone rings to ask if I’m the owner of my house or if I heard about the new regulation allowed by the IRS or related to my bank account, it can always be applied. I quickly ask to be excused : ” Please, can you…