Category: Web sightings
Free Office Templates
A few templates for documents you would want to use with OpenOffice 3.0 or MS-Office. Microsoft Office 2007 Templates Free legal download.
Extreme tanks
Even knowing that those are machines created to kill people, you will not be able to keep yourself from laughing or smiling at some of absurdly extreme designs generated by the brains of some military engineers. Source: Dark Roasted Blend.
Cuil, what about it?
The newest fad about search engines is Cuil (say “cool”). It’s been created by people from Google and is set to replace Google (or is it?) I tried it and I could not think of a reason to use it. The biggest problem is that it does not find anything useful. I may be a…
Kata practice for the programmer
A martial arts adept knows how much you have to repeat the same basic exercise (a kata) before mastering free fight. This is the same with most pianists who need to practice long and often to get reflexes, natural grace. So, why not the same for programmers? Dave Thomas decided to create basic exercises for…
Cats from Aube Nature is a web site I tend to track nearly continuously because Cédric Girard tends to write interesting posts about nature photography. But I also caught a few posts with nice images of cats This goes farther than the usual “nice companion” photos. I recommend heartily to check regularly
Airline codes
Sometimes, you hust have to understand the cryptic codes used around the world of airline travel. The companies are using them, probably not just for the sake of being incomprehensible, but the result is the same. I recently found the right place to look for this information, a web site to search for all airline-related…
A lion without travelling to Africa
Even better than going to Africa, you can have your own lion pet, cute lion cub at home. Furry and reacting to its environment, this is really a cool robot toy. £49.95 (about $100 USD or 75€) in pre-order.
Luxury pools
Recenty, we looked at unusual swimming pools. Here comes an article about the most marvellous pools found around the world of luxury hotels. 15 swimming pools