Category: Web sightings

  • Ring faucet

    Ring faucet

    A design of Lim Sun Liang that was worth a Red Dot Design Award 2006 for its innovative concept in which water flows magically from a ring cut inside the heart of the faucet. As far as I know, you cannot buy this kind of faucet.

  • Designer of futuristic computer interfaces

    Designer of futuristic computer interfaces

    You knew that Hollywood had to hire somebody to create those computer interfaces that look completely futuristic, that look so good and that look credible. Actually, Mark Coleran in one of these designers Hollywood pays (handsomely) for creating man-machine interfaces (for movies like Island, Mr & Mrs Smith, etc.) Recently, we can see, things went…

  • Art Nouveau design

    Art Nouveau design

    Thanks again to BibliOdyssey, here are nice Art Nouveau patterns. By Maurice Pillard-Verneuil (1869-1942).

  • Canon camera museum

    Canon has been a major manufacturer of photo cameras for many years. Is this worth a museum? I don’t know but they decided that they could not wait for somebody else to build it. Canon opened an online virtual museum of its cameras: the Canon camera museum. The Camera Hall is a database of historical…

  • Les Roses – Redouté

    Les Roses – Redouté

    Pierre-Joseph Redouté (1759-1840) is certianly considered the greatest drawing artist of plants and flowers. Many copies of his paintings and engravings are available on line. Why not start with his page on BiblioOdyssey?

  • The Battery University

    The Battery University

    When looking for factual information about batteries, the journey of the Internet user is full of traps. Fortunately, I found a detailled, very readable and facts-based web site. It named I like a lot the 3-part articles with a lot of details (and with German translations). You will know everything about all battery technologies,…

  • Pantone coffee mugs

    Pantone coffee mugs

    Specially for graphics designers, for those who cannot stop seeing the word in Pantone colors, W2 Products designed coffee mugs branded by Pantone. Out of stock already.

  • Online color thesaurus

    Online color thesaurus

    Would you know what colour cerulean is? Or peach? Or spruce? Or watermelon? Or plum? Or rust? The HP online color thesaurus is a great way to identify these and to get the precise formal definition of such colours. You type in a name, and it will give you the color, similar ones and anonyms.

  • Rich fonts for your web site

    The design of a web site is notoriously opposed to the use of rich and varied fonts: You are strongly invited to stick to the small list of common fonts. Unfortunately, this is not always enough. If you already started exploring alternatives like text-in-GIF-images, have a look at this hackzine article: HOWTO – Use rich…