Category: Web sightings

  • Handbook of animal anatomy (lions and others)

    Handbook of animal anatomy (lions and others)

    These images come from the classic works of the German veterinary anatomists, Wilhelm Ellenberger and Hermann Baum, and medical illustrator, Hermann Dittrich. The texts, from which these illustrations were derived, are works published in 1898 and 1911 through 1925, all entitled ‘Handbuch der Anatomie der Tiere für Künstler‘ which can be translated as “Handbook (or…

  • Wikipedia in one snapshot

    Wikipedia in one snapshot

    A beautiful WWW is publishing views of Wikipedia where one image sums it up. This map is generated using information about each article (edit activity, links, etc.) The latest graph was done for the Science-related articles.

  • The most stunning photos of hummingbirds

    The most stunning photos of hummingbirds

    Greg Scott is really an impressive wild life photographer. His images of hummingbirds are simply astounding: clear, detailed, nicely framed and showing the bird in the most surprising positions. I bow to this master! Sources: Greg Scott photo gallery, Greg Scott web site.

  • All images from the Moon

    All images from the Moon

    NASA finally decided to publish high-resolution scans of all the photos taken by the Lunar Apollo expeditions in the 60’s and 70’s. A huge publication work but that is welcome remembering the enormous successes and horrendous claims that accompany them.

  • Mute your browser

    Sometimes it comes handy to silence your browser. When it opens a Flash media file and starts shouting. Here is FlashMute. It mutes Flash into your browser or all of your browser, leaving the rest of the computer in its normal state.

  • CAD: Predator

    CAD: Predator

    I love Ctrl-Alt-Del comics. Today, we learn something about predation in the savanah.

  • Crysis, available tomorrow

    Crysis, available tomorrow

    After months of expectation organised by marketing and advertisment, the FPS video game most awaited of the year, Crysis, will be available tomorrow (you can already download it on Steam and the Electronic Arts online shop/store -on-line electronic payment and validation- but not use it yet). Graphic card providers are already dreaming of the rising…

  • Aubade calendar for 2008

    Aubade calendar for 2008

    For those who do not know it, the calendar 2008 for Aubade is now available. It maintains the already-long tradition of tasteful advertisement used by this totally-French feminine underwear company. Thanks to

  • MS Project tutorial for senior design

    “Project management is an important part of the senior design process. For the most part, teams manage projects in an informal way: They have a deadline to meet, and they monitor progress of the project as it moves along. However, computer resources are available for managing team projects more formally. This tutorial [Microsoft Word] will…