Category: Web sightings
Watch TV online for free
OK, I know that I don’t have TV because I don’t want to be continuously force-fed with mindless junk. However, plenty of people would like to be able to have their TV on the Internet. Up to now, you were mostly depending on your ISP and possibly some subscription additional to your basic broadband Internet…
Bhagavata Purana, sacred book
For the amateur of lovely art books, the Rylands Library of Manchester University publishes on the Internet this superb copy of the Bhagavata Purana, sacred book of Hinduism. Exceptionally nice visit of a web site that is providing excellent copies of antique books. Source: BiblioOdyssey.
Shave your yeti
One of the silliest web sites I found. But it can be pretty addictive too. Beware: Sound may awaken your colleagues if you click here.
Natural Viagra
No! I did not fall for the tempting song of the sirens of SPAM and I will not force upon you the marketing message of a product willing to significantly improve your male potential (whatever sex you, my reader, have). Exactly the contrary, this is scientific information: A spider has been found in Brazil whose…
Mac day, today
While browsing through LifeHacker, I found this week a series of apparently interesting posts for Mac buffs. Let’s share: Top 10 Mac OS X tweaks Speed up your Mac Take screen shots on your Mac
Octopart, a search engine for electronic parts
For both pro electronic engineers and amateur tweakers/hackers. Octopart
Wallhogs: Big prints for your walls
Essentially, Wallhogs is accepting your picture files to prepare special prints of large size: Decals, that would be nice to stick on a wall or on your fridge Posters (you know that don’t you?) Canvas prints, that would mimic a canvas paint
Amazon buys DPReview
DPReview has always been a very interesting photo-related web site with a vibrant community of forum users. Today, they announce that they have been bought by It came to me as a surprise that a retailer like Amazon would be interested in such a web site, but it probably proves that the giant retail…
- is DRM free
This is free advertising for a major launch of a DRM-free online store: sells jazz music online without any DRM included.