Category: Web sightings
High-quality 3D wallpapers
Wallpapers? You’re probably wondering how I could drop as low as writing about a wallpaper website. Usually they are either bad and ugly, or ridden with so many ads that you can’t find the wallpapers. Usually, they are both at the same time. Now there is a change. Digital Blasphemy is the web site of…
Map of Arab oil
It may be only an oddity, but didn’t you already wondered where exactly lied the oil of Arab countries? Maybe not, but here is anyway the map of oil and gas around the Persian Gulf.
All about Sushi
You certainly heard about this most-symbolic meal of Japanese culture. They are probably nearly all what we, Westerners, know about Japanese food. However, I offer you to discover -or re-discover- them through a video -dubbed in Japanese- that will make their taste ring under the discreet humor of Japanese people.
The fairest image
This web site offers to compare two images. You click on the one that seems fairest to you. It allows to build a small top-10 list of the fairest images. Curiously, the majority of the fair images are colorful landscapes. It’s your turn to judge which image is the fairest! You can also propose images…
Todd Essick: Submarine nude photos
It is often difficult to make nude photography and to stay in the realm of arts and good taste. Todd Essick certainly succeded in finding his own ways in this direction. He directs young beautiful scarcely clothed women without letting them become just… nude. And it happens in a surprising location: Under water. Even better,…
The AquaGallery is a little graphic experiment about aquatic forms and how to draw them in video. Enjoy!
Free fonts – Maximum quantity
After posting previously about 25 top quality fonts, I also got a link to an interesting web site providing a LOT of free fonts. It does not mean that they are all useful, interesting or good-looking, but you have some impressive choice: 13,000+ fonts in one search engine. SearchFreeFonts
Bloggers, fight plagiarism
There are plenty of cases where people copy part or all of the pages of a web site. It you use Google it may be more or less easy to find the copies. Copy Scape is the solution: You give the a web page address and Copy Scape will find copies on the web for…