Category: Web sightings

  • WAMP, the server solution for Windows

    Needing to quickly install a web server on a Windows PC, I was drawn into looking for a free software suite providing such sevrices in a simple and nice package. I already knew EasyPHP from Emmanuel Faivre, Laurent Abbal and Thierry Murail, three Frenchmen who put in a single tool box all the free open-source…

  • Historical anatomies – Anatomy in history

    Historical anatomies – Anatomy in history

    Sometimes, the Internet is not at all about new technologies but a way to reach old ones and old science. This is what happens when you visit Historical anatomies on the web, a quietly presented web site showing us reproductions of anatomical atlases from the US National Library of Medicine’s collection. This is all about…

  • RSS feed – What is it?

    RSS feed – What is it?

    You may have noticed a new logo appearing on our web site since the redesigned interface went online. If your web browser supports it (Opera 9, FireFox, Internet Explorer 7), a similar orange icon may appear on the web address bar. This is a feature that is good both for users and for web site…

  • Chirurgy and web site

    As you certainly noticed, we changed significantly the look-and-feel of our web site. The plastic surgeon used its scalpel to give a new face to the web site: reduce the size of the pages (faster downloads for you), improve readability (the white background increases the contrast), come back to a more sober graphic design (only…

  • T-shirt for typographs

    T-shirt for typographs

    This T-shirt has been designed specially for typographers with a sense of humor. The word KERN (the spacing between two letters) is nicely printed on it, but cut in halves by a zipper that allow to change the kerning of letters E and R.

  • Panoramic photos from the world

    More and more, photography amateurs are attracted toward panoramic images and photos. Virtual Sweeden is a web site showing a large number of the highest quality. I particularly recommend the following ones: Le Louvre Museum 360° Rome’s St Peters basilica 360°

  • Everything you DON’T want to know about your kid’s sex life

    Parents usually think they know their kids and that they have a relatively good grasp of what they do and think. If you speak about kid’s love and sex life, parents are always a little less at ease, but they keep their confidence. A study from the NY Mag confirms that parents don’t know nothing.…

  • 11 Myths of Surge Protection

    Surge protection is a technology which is obviously difficult to grasp and the sales people do not make it easier. Wendell H. Laidley wrote a nice paper to explain it in an interesting way: He shows the 11 Myths of Surge Protection: Any surge protection is better than no surge protection A UPS will provide…

  • Supersize your images

    If you ever dreamed of printing images in much larger size than what your personal printer allows (let’s say 3′ by 6′), you have either to buy a very expensive printer or use a very expensive photo printing service. You see the common words here: very expensive. The Rasterbator creates huge, rasterized images from any…