Category: Web sightings
The world’s leading source for pure technical x86 processor information
Sometimes, you really need to have plenty of detailed technical information about the x86 Intel family of processors or some of the compatible models from AMD, Nexgen, Cyrix, Centaur or Transmeta. And it is not easy to find. So, I recommend Implementation details, technical documentation, and even discussion forums.
Economic indicators
While trying to prepare a set of economic indicators for my more official job (I’m not earning enough money from this web site to stop working and just type posts for this site), I have been pushed into looking at what indicators are available to describe the economic outlook in Europe in order to evaluate…
Best posts of 2006
It is now the time to look back at the year 2006 and to check what you really liked in the web site. So, here are the posts viewed the most in the past year. Is it a surprise? Canon 40D crushes 30D prices, at least, that was the rumour. But the prices went…
Slow motion hi-speed movie compilation
Certainly not very original (hi-speed cameras have been able to film very fast phenomenons for years), but they are still very impressive images:
VW Touareg tows a Boeing 747
After all, even if this is a publicity stunt with not a lot to relate with real-life driving, the photos of the SUV towing one of the biggest air planes in the world are still impressive.
YouTube & Google will kill the TV
Now that Google has bought YouTube, the issue is really what is going to happen. It is not enough to see a lot of traffic (YouTube has tens of millions of users rushing in to look at a myriad of online videos) to make a good business model (look at the 2000 Internet bubble that…
Free online games
RED is one slightly addictive video game that you can play freely online. But AmorGames has other Flash-based games to fill the long Winter night.
Scientific experiments on video
One of the most complicated problems of Science is to reach full reproductibility of experiments. Even more, it is merely an issue of knowing how one experiment was done. It is in this context of research and education that the JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments) web site was created to present videos of some scientific…
Metro stations, everywhere
If you need a map for a metropolitan railway (or underground tube, or metro, or most tramways), there is only one place to go: has all kinds of public transport maps All over the world. And some news about public transportation.