Category: Web sightings

  • Free movies (many)

    Free movies (many)

    We all love when things come free to us. Here I found a treasure trove of movies that are free to download. Legally. Thanks to the Canadians of the National Film Board of Canada. They give us feature-length movies, documentaries, animated short movies. Everything, of the best quality, at the best price: Free.

  • Ryan Air has new ideas to charge its customers

    We knew that Ryan Air was an Irish airline able to bring air fares to a very low level. They use all tricks at their disposition to spend as little money as possible. But sometimes they go too far and their latest ideas give a bad press to the whole low-cost airline industry which were…

  • Collisions


    News reaches a British sub and a French sub regardnig the satellite collision last week. *Snort* American and Russian dorks. I nearly rolled on the floor laughing with this one. But, generally speaking, is one hell of a good comics web site.

  • 9 love messages from Planet Earth

    9 love messages from Planet Earth

    You’d believe that our planet is in love. It can be read on its face (on its surface) merely under the form of pretty hearts nicely drawn. 9 other cases. Superb!

  • Underwater movies

    I recently met a couple of fine underwater movies. One shows a dive to find a nautilus at great depths; The second shows a phosphorescent amalgam of abyss animals. Always a source of great surprises. YouTube link YouTube link

  • Affordable private jet

    Affordable private jet

    Is it the crisis, the recession or what? People would like you to think that you can now get a private jet for nearly nothing. Jumpjet is trying to make it more affordable than many business trip tickets Aviation told us about microjets, like those from Eclipse Aviation intended to make it more affordable than…

  • How do you make a globe

    In our short series of “How do you make…”, here is the industrial manuacturing of terrestrial globes How would you do it? The same way as described here? YouTube link Note: I said globe, not blog… 🙂

  • Obama inauguration seating chart

    Obama inauguration seating chart

    It seems that there will be plenty of people to be present during the inauguration of Barrack Obama. Needless to say, most people will not even have a hint about what happens on stage, if they are located as suggested in the following map: Kudos to Tom Toles.

  • Transition times

    According to the Guardian, change was long overdue. 8 years of Democrat presidency in Washington was much too much. Now that Al Gore is leaving the oval office, it’s time to go to more serious stuff. You can appreciate it if you read the first paragraph: No one thought Al Gore would be a loveable…