Technology opinions and digital photography

  • A few bears from the Great North

    A few bears from the Great North

    The polar bears were found in the North of Nunavut, Canada, in August 2016. There were a few beluga whale carcasses in Conningham Bay. So much food that bears were very relaxed and did not care much about our zodiac boat (and or cameras). So, we could shoot a few good pictures of this great…

  • Replacement for Amazon Cloud Drive?

    Replacement for Amazon Cloud Drive?

    Amazon sent me an meail announcing that the sweet deal of unlimited storage for 59SUD is going to stop in less than a year now. So, my backup solution currently relying on ACD as a backup for my Synology RAID drive will have to be reviewed. Do you have ideas of what could be a…

  • Want a new job?

    Want a new job?

    So, you are considering switching jobs to reach a new level or get a better salary. I’m sure that you already connected to and LinkedIn. But you may need a few more resources to improve your chances. I have few unusal ideas to help: BestJobs will find you interesting job offers in Europe. Creating…

  • ownCloud – Use of trusted_domains

    ownCloud – Use of trusted_domains

    It took me several days (OK, I’m not very bright but I’m not working full-time on this project either) hesitating in front of an installation/configuration parameter of ownCloud, the file sharing solution that I am currently deploying for a personal project. I had noticed the “trusted_domains” configuration parameter; I had also noticed that it was…

  • Why did the chicken cross the road? The story of a meme

    Why did the chicken cross the road? The story of a meme

    Why? During a public recording of “des papous dans la tête“, France Culture radio station  show, on the 6th of June 2004, Françoise Treussard rhetorically asked herself if the author of the classical question-story about the chicken who would have crossed the road was present in the studio. I took the issue in my own hands as if…

  • New 2018 calendars are out!

    New 2018 calendars are out!

    I know that this is the right time to prepare the upcoming new year by ordering a new calendar to cover 2018. So, this is the right time for me to promote my own products, my own calendars using some of the photos that you found previously here on Big cats Craftsmanship in Népal…

  • Iran mosque ceilings

    Iran mosque ceilings

    Iranian mosques are decorated of marvelous ceilings witnesses to centuries of devotion and artistic prowess. On BoredPanda.

  • Authy, solution to 2FA pains

    Authy, solution to 2FA pains

    In the past, I have been known to push for the use of two-factor authentication for as many web sites as possible. Through the use of an app running on my smartphone, I can provide a code that is much safer than the SMS text message sent by some web sites and that can be…

  • Polar bears are marine mammals

    Polar bears are marine mammals

    Most people tend to forget it, but polar bears are living in the sea. They tend to get out to the ground (and be photographed more easily there), but they are more than at ease in the water. Polar bear (Ursus maritimus, Ours polaire). Conningham Bay, Nunavut, Canada. August 2016.

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