Tag: Botswana
African Jacana
African Jacana (Actophilornis africanus, Jacana à poitrine dorée). Botswana, October 2011.
Elephants, sunset
A panorama test I did, investigating the issue of assembling panorama pictures with mobile subjects (an elephant moves, much more than you would believe, I assure you), made out of several pictures shot with a 400mm tele-lens to catch the sunset on the Chobe River, North of Botswana. The merging operation was done (back to…
Red Lechwe
Red Lechwe (Kobus leche, Cobe de Lechwe) Botswana, October 2011.
Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill
Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill (Tockus leucomelas, Calao leucomèle) Botswana, October 2011.
An elephant in white flowers
Botswana, October 2011.
An astonishing little African antelope living in the rocks. Nearly impossible to see, we only found it thanks to the bright eyes of Frédérique Massenet who was the only one able to recognize the animal even perched on top of its rock right in the sunset light. For the photographers really willing to know, the…
Heron and storks
At the end of the day, most birds try to perch (they are thus better protected against predators). In an area with a high animal density like Botswana, it allows some interesting encounters like this juvenile grey heron and these three openbill storks. As can be well seen in this picture, the name of the…
Water panorama
Baby cheetah
Botswana, October 2011. Nota bene: If you want to see (and hear) a babay cheetah mewing, I suggest that you go and visit YLoveBigCats.