Tag: Brazil

  • Anhinga


       Click on the thumbnails image to enlarge them Anhinga (Anhinga anhinga, Anhinga d’Amérique). Brazil, 2007.

  • Tropical Kingbird

    Tropical Kingbird

     Click on the thumbnails image to enlarge them Tropical Kingbird (Tyrannus melancholicus, tyran mélancolique). Brazil, 2007. Other possible identification: Cattle tyrant (Machetornis rixosus, Moucherolle querelleur). It was my initial assumption. But I now doubt it because of the wings 2-tone colour (the identification I did has been supported by will and DID in the forums…

  • Amazon Kingfisher

    Amazon Kingfisher

      Click on the thumbnails image to enlarge them Amazon Kingfisher (Chloroceryle amazona, Martin-pêcheur d’Amazonie). Brazil, 2007.

  • Green Kingfisher

    Green Kingfisher

      Click on the thumbnails image to enlarge them Green Kingfisher (Chloroceryle americana, Martin-pêcheur vert). Brazil, 2007.

  • Ringed Kingfisher

    Ringed Kingfisher

      Click on the thumbnails image to enlarge them Ringed Kingfisher (Ceryle torquata, Martin-pêcheur à ventre roux). Brazil, 2007.

  • Jabiru


       Click on the thumbnails image to enlarge them

  • Snail kite, male

    Snail kite, male

    Click on the thumbnail image to enlarge it Snail kite (Rostrhamus sociabilis, Milan des marais). Brazil, 2007.

  • Deers from Pantanal, Brazil

    Deers from Pantanal, Brazil

    Red brocket deer (Mazama americana, daguet rouge)Marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus, Cerf des marais)Click on the thumbnails image to enlarge them Brazil, 2007.

  • Blue-crowned trogon, male

    Blue-crowned trogon, male

    Click on the thumbnail image to enlarge it Blue-crowned trogon (Trogon curucui, Trogon couroucou). Brazil, 2007.