Tag: duck
Mallard duck
Mallard, Canard colvert (Anas platyrhynchos)Hokkaido, Japan North island, January/February 2019.
Common Eider
The “duck” that is still brought up to collect its exceptionnally soft down, still used today for garments and beddings for the coldest nights. Common Eider, Eider à duvet (Somateria mollissima)Scotland, May 2018.
Tufted Duck
Tufted Duck, Fuligule morillon (Aythya fuligula)Scotland, May 2018.
One of the nicest (and most common) ducks of Western Europe, the mallard is also an easy little pleasure for the eyes in Scotland. Mallard, Canard colvert (Anas platyrhynchos)Scotland, May 2018.
Flightless steamer duck
Flightless steamer duck, Brassemer cendré (Tachyeres pteneres)Falkland Islands, November 2019.
Patagonian crested duck
Patagonian crested duck, Canard huppé (Lophonetta specularioides specularioides)Falkland Islands, November 2019.
Flying ducks
Masai Mara National Park, Kenya April 2014
Yellow-billed duck
Yellow-billed duck (Anas undulata), Canard à bec jaune. Moremi National Park, Botswana. Mai 2010.