Tag: hard drive

  • Lessons Learned from a new Synology NAS

    Lessons Learned from a new Synology NAS

    I recently proceeded to solve a problem I was observing more and more from my sturdy Synology DS413j (7-year-old after all): I ran out of space and the old DS413j has no longer any extension possibility after the four 4TB disks in SHR mode (10.41TB accessible). So, I just bought a shiny new (and black)…

  • Archive a Synology NAS on external USB drives

    Archive a Synology NAS on external USB drives

    When you need to store data in a reliable way but you don’t need to read them often, this is named a “cold storage” need. This is typically what I needed for my Synology NAS where I wanted to backup data to an external site (but I don’t intend to actually use the backup since…

  • What is the best SSD drive today?

    What is the best SSD drive today?

    SSD drives are those disk drives that are not using rotating platters with data stored magnetically, but that are based upon a set Flash memory components (so, without any mobile part, and with a performance that has nothing to do with even the fastest magnetic hard disk drives). SSD drives are expensive but, with costs…