Tag: Optical illusion
Teach or Learn? Simply the illusion of a difference
On the one side “Teach”, on the other “Learn”. Is it all simply an illusion? Ask teachers and students.
No sex, no eyes
Will you be able to read the text? Maybe you do not have perfectly good eyes and you should blink a little.
Homage to MC Escher – By Shane Willis
Source: Photo.net.
Astronomical optical illusion
V838 Monoceroti Expansion (Hubble) It wasn’t anything interesting until it happened but the star V838 Monoceroti, which had simply sat in obscurity, flared up in 2002 to become 600,000 more luminous than our own Sun. It didn’t take long for the star to fade back into the darkness but the Hubble Space Telescope managed to…
iluzii optice (optical illusions)
Let’s forget optical illusions for a moment. I’d like to dream. But illusions come back immediately, thanks to Eugen Erhan. YouTube link
Water + fluo + strobo = optical illusions
Put some fluorescent dye in water, let water droplets go and synchronize a stroboscopic light. You can get anyhting you want and it looks like magic. YouTube link
Black and white or Color (video illusion)
One very cool optical illusion of a fade to black… and white. YouTube link And there’s another one very similar but with a different image: a waterfall.
MC Escher in video
Graphic artist and painter MC Escher produced a few very interesting paintings and engravings. But today, I give you the opportunity to see it differently. Bring on the video! Source: Magic Design.
Droste effect
In the year 1956, “the Dutch graphic artist M.C. Escher made an unusual lithograph with the title ‘Print Gallery’. It shows a young man viewing a print in an exhibition gallery. Amongst the buildings depicted on the print, he sees paradoxically the very same gallery that he is standing in.” The term was coined by…