Tag: Photo

  • The DTB saws cameras in half

    The DTB saws cameras in half

    The Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin is a museum presenting a large mount of technology history. Quite naturally, they are biased toward presenting a lot of German achievements and this country is known for hosting some of the very best optical engineers and being rightfully proud of brands like Carl Zeiss, Leitz/Leica. Charlie Sorrel wrote a piece…

  • Le Mans 2009

    Le Mans 2009

    I was at Le Mans 2009 endurance car race during the official test runs of last week. I brought back a few photos (despite the considerable problem of shooting pictures under the rain). The whole gallery and the mini-site to buy posters.

  • Fishing sardines, pro advice

    Fishing sardines, pro advice

    If you want to fish sardines, ask advice from a pro : The sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus). This slides diaporama from National Geographic shows sailfishes grouping themselves to hunt a big school of sardines. Really beautiful and utterly technical.

  • Beautiful parrots

    Beautiful parrots

    Thanks to BibliOdyssey again, we can see magnificent reproductions of XIXth Century engravings of parrots, maccaws and other Psittacidae birds. But there are also interesting modern parrots. Go and watch the videos and photos from the Perroquet project from fashion photographer Sølve Sundsbø. Did I say impressive?

  • Flash photography

    Flash photography

    Two articles written exactly for photographers willing to improve their flash expertise. I found them on the Internet and wanted to share them with you, photo friends. Natural looking flash. Right! It may be very difficult to get a nice looking lighting without burning everything with lights that cry “flash”. White Seamless Tutorial. A 5-part…

  • 8 tips for sharp photos

    What I do (or should be doing, since -like everybody else- I can’t stick to my good resolutions) in order to obtain beautifully detailled photographs. It’s even more important if you want to make them ready for printing in large size (on your brand new A3 inkjet printer or poster-size at a print shop). A…

  • Diffraction and digital photography

    Diffraction and digital photography

    Several times, I talked about the limitation to photo image quality by light diffraction but I failed to go into the details. To the general request of one reader who asked, I will try to give some explanations to better understand why the digital photographer must absolutely take that into account to make better pictures…

  • Cats from Aube Nature

    Cats from Aube Nature

    Aube-Nature.com is a web site I tend to track nearly continuously because Cédric Girard tends to write interesting posts about nature photography. But I also caught a few posts with nice images of cats This goes farther than the usual “nice companion” photos. I recommend heartily to check regularly Aube-Nature.com.

  • Price of the Alpha 900

    I have been asked by some people about the price of the upcoming Sony Alpha 900 flagship digital SLR camera. The problem is that there is no information filtering down from Sony. The only thing that we can say is that there is a body of indirect evidence that points to some pretty serious competition…