Tag: Photo
Lost+Found: Robert Capa’s negative films
Everybody (including Robert Capa himself) thought that they had been lost and destroyed: negative films of photos taken by Robert Capa, the first modern era war photographer, during the Spanish Civil War. The containing three suitcases had been lost when Capa left Paris to flee the Nazis. However, they have been found recently and they…
Photo of the Sony A900 (Alpha 900)
A photo has popped up on the Internet forums allegedly showing the Alpha 900 in Berlin IFA. If it’s a fake, it’s a rather good one. From the look of it, I would draw a few conclusions and comments (only valid if the image is a real scoop). Sony has cleaned up the original design…
How to identify birds?
After having shot a few hundreds (er… a few thousands) photos in Brazil, I ended up with a stack of images. Some were easy to label. Some were less esay to label. Particularly, for wild birds, the problem is to quickly determine the species that is appearing on the photo. Several solutions are open to…
Giant jellyfish
This is too big! Did you think that sharks were dangerous? Yomiuri Shimbun/AFP/Getty Images, via ScienceBlog Select.
The Ten Most Common Photographic Mistakes
André Gunther has a very nice article titled “The Ten Most Common Photographic Mistakes” that is a good starting point for novice photographers self-improvement (it is quite common that the best way to become better is to learn what are the errors you’d want to avoid, listening to others).